Tetsumi Kudo Japan, 1935-1990
Your portrait, 1963
Bois peint, métal et plastique
Painted wood, metal and plastic
Painted wood, metal and plastic
13,4 x 13,4 x 13,4 cm
5.12 x 5.12 x 5.12 in
5.12 x 5.12 x 5.12 in
©Tetsumi Kudo, Adagp, Paris, 2022.
Cube couvercle en bois, peint en dés, comprenant une boule a thé? en inox, qui à son tour comprend cinq oeufs en plastique façon poupées russes. L'oeuf le plus petit est recouvert et contient un dé.
Designed as die, the cubes - made between 1962-1968 and sometimes stacked - are filled with store bought goods and household refuse like alarm clocks and egg cartons connected to, and often fusing with, plastic dolls and papier mâché body parts. Usually titled with variations of the words, "Your Portrait," these are meant as provocative representations of the European state of being: Individuals retreat into cocoons to take comfort in mass produced stuff and mediated entertainment. Within these shells, they undergo a process of metamorphosis becoming one with technology. The idea of individual agency at the core of Western Philosophy becomes false; people are subject to random forces beyond their control symbolized by Kudo's motif of dice.
Galerie Burén, StockholmExhibitions
- Paris surréaliste, Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris (FR), 20241