The Analogy between Bulbs and Buds


The Analogy between Bulbs and Buds ? A Sculpture Garden
Contemporary Art in Botanischer Volkspark Blankenfelde-Pankow

A show about distance, appropriation, arrangement, interaction, simulation, stereotypes and performance in the art and plant worlds?in intimate dialog with the botanical and architectural exhibits of the Volkspark Blankenfelde-Pankow. Sculptures can be seen as agents that create and reflect environments, much like architectural settings??The Analogy between Bulbs and Buds? brings together these two spheres, in which the potential of building worlds is demonstrated: contemporary art production, and the ?natural? environment of Botanischer Volkspark, shaped by its eventful history. Both shine a newish light on each other?an experiment that addresses the search for prototypical scenarios and their possibilities to illustrate and question orders, settings, and corresponding conditions.

In cooperation with Grün Berlin GmbH.
Supported by the Cultural Administration of the Berlin Senate
as well as Hypo-Kulturstiftung and the Norwegian Embassy.

May 8, 2016