Projections Prix Art Vidéo Côté court

Projections Vidéo space Giloux/Devillez/Nassiri

The gallery is proud to present the video art prize of Côté Court Festival

Metabolism de Pierre-Jean Giloux, 11'

Produced by Solang Production, with S.O.I.L., and support of CNC-Dicréam, CNAP, Le Carré, Institut Français in Japan (FR), VAF, FWB (BE), Collection Pierre Darier (CH).

Courtesy the artist and Solang Production Paris Brussels.

Enfants, poussière de Frédérique Devillez, 12'

produced by Too many cow boys
Palais de Arash Nassiri , 15'
produced by Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains

March 23, 2017