Pablo Tomek

Text by Radouan Zeghidour and graphic design by Spassky Fisher and Pablo Tomek
Color book

ISBN: 979-10-699-4239-4

Dimensions: 24x32 cm

Pages: 144

Pablo Tomek



Editing : Pablo Tomek and Spassky Fischer

Text: Radouan Zeghidour

Graphic designers: Spassky Fischer, Arthur Brun, Antoine Elsensohn

Supports: Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris (FR) & Ruttkowsky 68, Cologne (DE)

Photographers: Rebecca Fanuele, Stefan Haehnel, David Hang, Nils vom Lande, Juila van der Meer, Pablo Tomek

Translation: Jeremy Nathaniel

Proofreading: Mahe Ripoll

Printing: SYL L'Art Grafic, Barcelona, Spain

ISBN : 979-10-699-4239-4


Courtesy : Galerie Christophe Gaillard (Paris), Ruttkowsky 68 (Cologne), Nevven gallery (Goteborg), Mini gallery (Amsterdam)

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