On November 13 and 14, FOMU is organizing a FUTURES Meet-up in Antwerp.


FUTURES and FOMU invite you to an exclusive, two-day visitors program of lectures, panel discussions and other activities related to photography. During the Meet-up you will meet FUTURES talents, international curators (including Luce Lebart, Damarice Amao and Amanda Maddox) and other artists. It is the ideal chance to exchange ideas and network.


During the meet-up, FUTURES’ annual publication will also be launched . This year’s publication was made in collaboration with Trigger. Trigger#5: Energy, is conceptualized as the FUTURES Annual Publication 2023, published by FOMU and Fw:Books and edited by FUTURES members FOMU, Fotodok, PhotoIreland and Capa Center.


If you are active as an artist or freelancer in the cultural sector, you can participate in the Meet-up at a discounted rate.





  • 13pm: Doors
  • 13.30pm - 15pm: On My Mind, 5 artists and curators speak on their critical reflections, passions, doubts or epiphanies during their process of art creation and curation. With Elephy, Marina Gadonneix, Felipe Romero Béltran, Amanda Maddox (World Press Photo), Doris Gassert (Fotomuseum Winterthur)
  • 15.30pm - 16.30pm: Launch Trigger magazine with Sheng Wen Lo (Futures artiest), Tanja Engelberts (Futures artiest) en Sebastian Koudijzer (Futures artiest). Moderated by Mariama Attah (Deutsche Boerse).
  • 16.30 - 18.30: Closing Drinks
  • 13pm: Doors
  • 13.30pm - 15pm: On My Mind, 5 artists and curators speak on their critical reflections, passions, doubts or epiphanies during their process of art creation and curation. With Elephy, Marina Gaddoneix, Felipe Romero Béltran, Amanda Maddox (World Press Photo), Doris Gassert (Fotomuseum Winterthur)
  • 15.30pm - 16.30pm: Launch Trigger magazine with Sheng Wen Lo (Futures artiest), Tanja Engelberts (Futures artiest) en Sebastian Koudijzer (Futures artiest). Moderated by Mariama Attah (Deutsche Boerse).
  • 16.30 - 18.30: Closing Drinks





FUTURES is a European platform that brings together the global photography community to provide long-term support to emerging artists in their professional development. The platform is supported by 18 members, including museums, festivals and publishers. Every year, FUTURES organizes several meet ups to bring the professional photography field together and to promote connections and networks. Each time in a different country and with a different FUTURES member.

FOMU has been a partner of FUTURES with the project .tiff since 2017. For .tiff, FOMU selects ten promising artists and photographers with a Belgian connection each year. They are taken on a year-long journey during which they are provided with various opportunities to showcase their work to an international professional audience. Additionally, FOMU collaborates with them to create the .tiff magazine and group exhibition.

13 & 14 novembre 2023