La tradition du dégoût, présentée par Vincent Labaume: Michel BLAZY, Véronique BOUDIER, Mimosa ECHARD, Marc FONTENELLE, Nicolas MOMEIN, Gilles TOUYARD, Hannah WHITAKER


what form !?
a presentational dialogue on the tradition of distaste, by vincent labaume

— … So you believe in this tradition of distaste?
— Not really… The expression is unfortunate and almost oxymoric (thereby sellable) and yet, when all is said and done, amusing on several accounts!... Although it is especially an awkward perception that comes from the way art is received, from a historically and socially determined exterior construction, and not from a movement of artistic research in itself. In any case, as far as the artists presented here are concerned, it certainly doesn’t mean distaste of tradition!
These artists, each in his own field, refer to it in one way or another, indeed defer to it, in the sense that they accord a certain dignity to it in regard to the status of form they are seeking.