De leur temps (7) — Un regard sur les collections privées | FRAC Grand Large, Dunkerque (FR) | 28 janvier - 23 avril 2023



De leur temps (7) — Un regard sur les collections privées

28.01 - 23.04.2023

Curator: Keren Detton (Frac Grand Large) and Michel Poitevin (ADIAF)

122 works

111 artists or artists' collectives
58 lenders, including 54 ADIAF collectors and 4 Friends of the Frac

As part of the 7th edition of the ADIAF's triennial exhibition "From their time", the Frac Grand Large presents a new snapshot of French contemporary art collections through a selection of recently acquired works on the 4 levels of the building. This exhibition provides a unique panorama of recent purchases by French collectors and bears witness to their vitality and passion for the art of their time.

"Of Their Time" includes works produced, for the most part, in the last five years. Most of them are studio works, often hanging on walls in the privacy of homes, offices or sometimes storerooms awaiting exhibition.

With more than one hundred and twenty works from some sixty collections, the exhibition highlights gaps and echoes where particular choices become blurred.
On the lookout for novelty, these collectors invite us to navigate through a wide diversity of expressions and to build our own path.



FRAC Grand Large
28.01 - 23.04.2023
503 avenue des Blancs de Flandres

59140 Dunkerque


Opening hours :
Wednesday - Friday : 2pm - 6pm
Week-end (oct.-march) : 10am - 6pm
Week-end (apr.-sept.) : 1am - 7pm


03 28 65 84 20



January 28, 2023