Artist-researcher, SMITH holds degrees in Philosophy from the Sorbonne, in Photography from the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles, and in Contemporary Arts from Le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains. They also hold a PhD in Art Studies and Practices from the Université du Québec à Montréal. SMITH experiments with and explores the connections between contemporary humanity and its limit figures—specters, mutants, hybrids—through collaborations with writers, astronauts, farmers, shamans, engineers, designers, scientists, philosophers, performers, and composers. Their transdisciplinary project-worlds are grounded in a process of self-experimentation, structured as an investigation in which the artist’s body becomes a critical, experimental, and inquisitive platform, revealing new ways of relating to both the visible and the invisible world.


Blurring genres, languages, and disciplines, SMITH creates works imbued with curiosity—in the etymological sense of cura: a care and attentiveness toward the world around us, the terrestrial and the celestial, human and non-human beings, the visible and the invisible, the imaginary and the fictional. Thermal cameras, drones, neon lights, subcutaneous implantations of electronic chips, magnets, and meteorites, atomic mutations, trance practices, and collaborations with both animal and artificial intelligences—these elements feed a fluid body of work, composed through technological and spiritual means, incorporating dimensions of mystery, dreams, and the beyond.