With “Dami”, SMITH continues his artistic and metaphysical quest through his practice of spiritual technologies (cognitive trance, meditation, Amazonian medicine), interstitial bodily states (gender transition, weightlessness experience), voluntary hybridizations (cutaneous implantation of extraterrestrial or electronic materials), and collaborations with artificial and animal intelligences - to tell a different story of our relationship with the all-other, with the beyond, with what passes through us, escapes us, surpasses us and survives us. Trance and transcendence are linked in this experimental work that explores other states of body and consciousness. Transition”, ‘passage’ and ‘transit’ are essential to her creative process.

SMITH's indisciplinary projects are always introduced by photographic prologues - his native language. For his first exhibition at Galerie Christophe Gaillard Paris, the artist presents the beginnings of “Dami” in the form of three previously unpublished photographic series: “Les maîtresses”, “Travelogue” and “Fulmen”, as well as extracts from “Signes” and “Photino”