Galerie Christophe Gaillard is delighted to unveil the inaugural exhibition of its new space in Brussels: Signatures. Fifteen of the gallery’s thirty-five artists, who best express the gallery’s identity, will take part in the exhibition.


Since opening his first exhibition space in Paris in 2007, Christophe Gaillard has made a dynamic impact on the contemporary art scene, exhibiting emerging artists as well as key figures from the 60s and 90s, such as French artists Michel Journiac and Daniel Pommereulle, Japanese artist Tetsumi Kudo and American artist Ri- chard Nonas. It was this inter-generational dialogue that Christophe Gaillard was able to develop long before this trend took hold of the art world.


This first exhibition will feature works by Marcel Bascoulard, Éric Baudart, Hé- lène Delprat, Marina Gadonneix, Michel Journiac, Tetsumi Kudo, Anita Moline- ro, Ceija Stojka, Richard Nonas, Ursula Schultze-Bluhm, Pierre Tal Coat, Pablo Tomek, Stéphane Couturier and Franz West.


Some will be exhibiting in Brussels for the first time, such as photographer Marina Gadonneix (FR, 1977), whose first retrospective is being shown this summer at the Centre Pompidou. For others, such as Stéphane Couturier (FR, 1957), well known to the Belgian public, it will be an opportunity to discover his recent series produced at the Villa Eileen Gray (presented by the Musée du Jeu de Paume hors les murs in Reims until 3 September).


Hélène Delprat (FR, 1957), meanwhile, will be showing a large, previously unseen canvas as well as a series of earlier gouaches never yet shown to the public. This multi-disciplinary artist, who displays a certain taste for self-mockery, blends fic- tion, the unconscious and reality in her work, which can be reminiscent of the Sur- realist movement. The Picasso Museum in Barcelona is devoting a solo exhibition to her until 24 September.


Anita Molinero’s (FR, 1953) sculptures have received a great deal of attention over the past years, particularly following her recent exhibition at the Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris. For this inaugural Signature exhibition, the Christophe Gaillard Brussels gallery will be reshaped by three of her works based on fire, fire being the basis of her work.


By bringing together artworks and visitors in this new setting redesigned by in- terior architect and designer Bina Baitel, Signature has yet much more to reveal. Located opposite the future Kanal-Centre Pompidou, the Christophe Gaillard Brussels gallery will be inaugurated on Thursday 7 September, during the Brussels Gallery Weekend.


Christophe Gaillard, his Director, Sophie Roose and the entire gallery team look forward to welcoming you.